Nos récits

Affichage des résultats 37 à 41 sur un total de 41

Maricarmen Guerra Paris

“For me, it has been exciting to learn how to use new instruments and to test how the different instruments and techniques, that we typically use in the field, work and compare in both controlled environments and energetic tidal channels. This research matters because turbulence measurements are difficult in highly-energetic environments, turbulence varies spatially and in time, and it is not easy to accurately capture its variability.”

Jessie Lilly

For Jessie, holiday trips to Vancouver Island, charter fishing excursions with her dad and becoming a certified diver at the age of 15 sparked her interest in marine ecology. These experiences made her aware of the tough balance between sustaining fisheries and preserving ecosystems, leading her to want to pursue fisheries science.

Dr. Alex Hay

If not for the classic 1937 seafaring movie Captains Courageous and inspiration from the sailor and sea captain Angus Walters, Alex Hay might have become an astrophysicist instead of an ocean physicist. “It was a coin toss,” between the two, he says.

Dr. Lukas Swan

Lukas Swan was first introduced to renewable energy and battery electric vehicles while growing up in California. “I became fascinated with energy use, saw a unique role for my skills, and applied them to batteries for grid storage,” he says.

Optimized Combinations of Tidal, Wind and Solar Electricity Generation with Energy Storage to Meet Nova Scotia’s Electrical Demand

Wind, solar and tidal-generated electricity have different — but potentially complimentary — cyclic times, which creates some interesting possibilities. This project looks at how best to meet Nova Scotia’s electricity load requirements through a combination of energy storage, intermittent renewable energy output, thermal and hydro generation.